Where three roads meet

July 9, 2010 § 3 Comments

A Vendel era bronze plate found on Öland, Swed...

Image via Wikipedia

My reason for writing this blog post

Basically because I wish to apply my open yet critical mindset to “Hólmganga” after reading The Notebooks of an Outlaw Thinker on a “Genocide of the Ulfhednar”.

GENOCIDE ULFHEDNAR: One of the ancient genotypes to pass almost entirely out of existence in this century is that of the Ulfhednar. This genocide is aided and abetted by the fact that mankind does not recognize the existence of the Ulfhednar as a valid genetic type, and it is not politically correct to speculate on the existence of types such as Ulfhednar. See genotype behavioral. The term ulfhednar is here used to describe a person who has inherited the frenzy of wodin, and the holmgang. He is further distinguished from the bersarkir by physical build. The Ulfhednar being tall and slim, the Bersarker being large and heavy. The names derive from the Eddas and mean respectively wolf coat and bearshirt.

Some frenzied speculation …

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